Thursday 3 July 2014

Day 6 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

Hey yo! continue with Day 6 & 7 of our journey.Do check my Day 5 post for more details of our 13 stations journey. We woke up early and continue our journey to Beitou (北投), DanShui station (淡水站) and Shilin Night market (士林夜市).

We dawn upon the small stall near our Minsu to have some Xiao Long Bao (小笼包)& Noodles.

Monday 30 June 2014

Day 5 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

Thinking that my post for taiwan will be numerous post but I still can't shorten my post. Because every detail and moment is memorable for me to jot it down. You can find my Day 4 post of Hualien & Jiufen here.

Day 5 was a great day, we went to 13 places in 13 hours. That's really an amazing journey with our great driver Mr Meeky Yang. He only drive Malaysians and Singaporeans, because he mentioned that M'sians and Singaporeans are fast and steady people, which makes us smile within our hearts. Maybe we got the "KIASU" spirit which someway bring benefits.

Mr Meeky is a great tour guide that drives us around with his steady driving skills and has great knowledge about places he brings us to. Mr Meeky pick us up from our Minsu in Jiufen and started our journey for the day. Below are the list of places we went.

1. 九份 (jiu fen) - I will also count this in because we started off here.
2. 金瓜石 (jing gua shi)
3. 黄金瀑布 (huang jin pu bu)
4. 阴阳海 (ying yang hai)
5. 十三椅 (shi san yi)
6. 基隆山 (ji long shan)
7. 鼻头角 (bi tou jiao)
8. 南雅奇石 (nan ya qi shi)
9. 十份老街 (shi fen lao jie)
10. 野柳公园 (ye liu geopark)
11. 小油坑, 阳明山 (xiao you keng @ yang ming shan)
12. 竹子湖(海芋圆),阳明山 (zhu zi hu @ yang ming shan)
13. 师大夜市 (shi da ye shi @ taipei)

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 4 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

The Hualien & Jiufen day - Beautiful beach scenery and old streets with greenery 

Continuing from my Day 3 post of the Hualien City

If you are keen to watch sunrise, remember to ask the reception the sunrise time.
They track it for their customer. How thoughtful! The sunrise was at 5.30 am the day we stayed in.
But I couldn't get to watch sunrise due to tiredness. My friend got to video the whole process for us thou. We woke up at 8am, after the complimentary breakfast and set off for cycling by the beach.

The hotel provide free bicycles for their guest. I shall not say much, let the pictures amaze you, enjoy!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day 3 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

Day 3 (Tuesday) - 12 May 2014, Hualien, Taiwan

Continuing with my 2nd day post,

Hualien was part of my plan because I saw too many beautiful pictures of Hualien online. We bought the TRA ticket online because the tickets will sold out according to some websites.You can buy the tickets from here.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day 2 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

Day 2 (Monday) - 12 May 2014,

Morning: Ximeding street
Afternoon: Taipei 101
Evening: Ximending street
View from Taipei 101

Continuing from my 1st day post in taiwan,
The initial plan was to go to get a prepaid card with data, Taipei 101, elephant mountain for sunset view and to Ximending night market.

We woke up early at 7am, because we were used to our physical alarm clock waking up at 7am. Plan changes with weather, and of course we need to be flexible. So we set off at 9am walking towards Ximen station (西门站). Along the way there was too much delicious food that we stopped to eat almost every 5 minute. By the time we reach the station, we are well fed. Haha! There are more to these, but I didnt get to capture pictures on time.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 1 Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行)

Here we go with our trip. We touchdown in Taipei on Sunday @ 10.30pm.

Normally cheap flight tickets will schedule flights at odd hours. So we took Airasia and arrive at Taoyuan airport. Before continuing my schedule, the new airport for all Airasia flight had been moved to KLIA 2 instead of the usual LCCT.

Make sure that you arrive an hour earlier at the boarding area before the boarding time, this is because the distance from the departure hall to the boarding area, will take up to 20 - 30 min walk. We were running like mad fellows from the inspection area to the boarding area when we were being inform that our flight was on " last call". The run took us 10 minutes - 15 minutes. It was really an "awesome" experience.

What to prepare for Backpack Taipei, Taiwan Trip (台湾台北行?

What to prepare for a trip? I often asked myself this question. Below are the list that I listed after I went to Taiwan (based on personal experience)
1. Weather 
Check the weather before selecting your flight dates. I heard from the taxi drive that in July there is a higher possibilities to meet with Tai Fung (台风). And people spent 2-3 days in hotel as all operation are closed even public transport. of course, Taiwan celebrates chinese new year, and most of the restaurants are either closed or fully booked. You would want to avoid that. You can always check the seasons weather here.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Local delicacies(food) in Sabah.

I mention previously in my post, that I will post on the food we had during our travel in Sabah.

1. 生肉面 (Sheng Rou Mian)
This is pork noodle, in which the pork is cooked separately in the soup. Approximately RM5 per plate.
Operates 24/7

Jia Xiang Sheng Rou Mian, 
aka Lintas Sheng Rou Mian
21-1, Ground Floor, Lorong Lintas Plaza,
88300, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

2. Custard Bun / Polo Bun 菠萝包
It is also a must try in KK, the buns are freshly baked and the coffee is also a must. Opens in the morning for breakfast.
Chinese Restaurant & Coffee Shop
Jalan Lintas (Lorong Lintas Plaza 3, KK, Sabah

3. Coconut Pudding
It is a mixture of coconut and pudding place into the coconut, buy it cold for a better taste. Spot small malay village by the road side from your way to and from Kota Kinabalu to Tuaran.

4. Fish Crackers
It is sold in the same stall where we bought the coconut pudding.

5. 锅贴 (Pork Dumpling )
Sorry for the unappealing look of this dumpling, but it taste awesome despite of the picture.
Operates 24/7

Jia Xiang Sheng Rou Mian, 
aka Lintas Sheng Rou Mian
21-1, Ground Floor, Lorong Lintas Plaza,
88300, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

6. Tuaran Noodles
We ate this in Tampurulin, Sabah when we are on our way to Kundasang. This store is located at the end of the suspension bridge in Tampurulin. I did not took down the address and restaurant name because we were brought by friend to this restaurant.

It is fried "Yee Mee" with "Char siew", I ate 2 bowls of this noodle, it is simply amazing.

7. Laksa Noodles
This noodle is known as Kuching Laksa, which can be found in Sabah too. I ate mine in my friend's stall and they had close down. You can find this laksa in chinese restaurant. They have a distinguish taste compare to the Laksa in Peninsular Malaysia.

8. Ais Kacang/Cendol 
This is ice mix with corns, and other fruits of your own choice, which opens from 11-6pm daily except Sunday.


Car park of Tun Fuad Stephen Park.
Bukit Padang.

9. Kaya You Zha Kui (Fried Cantonese Doughnut)
What is special about this You Zha Kui is that it is spread with Kaya & butter. The You zha Kui itself is of the salty base, and I thought adding sweet kaya would taste weird. But it turns out to be delicious.
A must try in Sabah!
Which opens from 11-6pm daily except Sunday


Car park of Tun Fuad Stephen Park.
Bukit Padang.

10. Beef Noodles
Beef noodles is a popular dish all around Malaysia, but this one in Lido is the Hainan style of beef noodles. I would say that it is special. Give it a try!

Kedai Cheng Wah – Hainan style Ngiu Chap 
Ground Floor, Lot 8,
Block A, Taman Che Mei (Lido Township),
Jalan Penampang,
Kota Kinabalu

11. Desa Milk
The one thing you must get when you travel to kundasang is Desa milk. If you are unable to get to Kundasang, it is sold in supermarkets in Sabah. They are fresh milk and you will need to drive it within a week before it expires. You can check out my post 4 on this farm in kundasang.

 12. Dumpling noodles 
You can also try the dumplings when you visit Kedai Kopi 33 for custard breads.
Chinese Restaurant & Coffee Shop
Jalan Lintas (Lorong Lintas Plaza 3, KK, Sabah

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Post 4)

This is my last post for my trip Kota Kinabalu, which is the 6th & 7th day of this trip. A must visit place when you are in Sabah, is the marine park, the local food delicacies and of course Kundasang.

We start off our journey with Tuaran Mee located in Tamparuli, which is one our way to Kundasang. This stall was recommended by one of our local friend. It is located just at the end of the suspension bridge in Tampuruli. I forgotten to capture the picture of the stall, you may ask around for directions once you reach the suspension bridge.

Famous Tuaran Mee in Sabah, RM 5 per plate.

The suspension bridge, nothing special, but do take a walk to digest after the meal.

We then headed to Kundasang, there are a few tourist spot in Kundasang, but we only went to the war memorial park, Desa Milk Farm and The entrance to Mount Kota Kinabalu.

The entrance towards climbing the Mt Kinabalu, Mt Kinabalu, I will be back for you next time.

We didn't climb the mountain, but was able to view the mountain here.

I look so tanned here especially after island hoping and papar adventure.

War Memorial Park in Kundasang, a beautiful place with Western old school design.
open daily from 8.30 -5.30pm, entrance fee is RM 2 for Malaysian and RM 10 for Non-Malaysian.

We headed to Desa Milk Farm right after this, as we were told not to leave the mountain too late, the latest would be 5pm because it will be too cloudy. In sabah, sunset around 6pm.
This was the view on our way up to Desa Dairy Farm.

It is a beautiful place at Desa Dairy Farm, it is worth the visit. Located in Mesilau, Sabah.

P O Box 71 Kundasang Ranau Sabah (Jalan Mesilau), 89308 KundasangSabah.
The entrance fee is RM 2 per head, 

Milk processing:

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday
Hours: 1000 Hrs - 1400 Hrs
Extraction process of milk:

Hours: 1500 Hrs - 1700 Hrs.

The cows are queuing to for extraction of milk, they can't wait!

You can get to feed the calves & goats as well. The milk and grass are chargeable thou.

Dont forget to buy the milk, they sell goat milk, and cow milk. All fresh and great taste. i even bought quite a few home. It's too good to be true.

End of the post, I will post another post on the food we have eaten in Sabah. Stay tune!

Previous post on Sabah: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3

Friday 21 February 2014

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Post 3)

If you have not seen my previous posts, you can navigate here for Post 1 & post 2.
We woke up early in the morning to have the complimentary breakfast that was provided by the resort.

It's not a bun or bread, it's an omelette. Delicious!

Other food that was serve in the buffet, it is more of a Malay style breakfast.
Without wasting our time we went for our next activity, which was the kayak. There are both individual and double seat kayak.(I'm not sure how you call it). 

We were asked to sign off the indemnity agreement before we headed out.
I took the individual kayak, it was a great experience for first timers. I was letdown as well, because  I expected the sea to be clear to be able to see fishes during the kayak journey. Unfortunately, I can't see anything, and it was tiring as well kayaking the kayak myself.
The double seat kayak, spot me, too excited that i went first.

We did took more pictures after this activity for memory purpose.

We went to Green connection, located in the near the city of KK.
The entrance ticket was RM 15 per person (this is their official website)
Nothing really special about this park, there was a lot of mosquito, do bring your mosquito repellent. I will rate this park 3 out of 5, because we had personal guide throughout the whole journey. We were able to touch many of the animals & reptiles. But is is quite rundown for both in the exterior building and the maintenance of the animals.

We went for tea break in Bukit Padang, i recommend the Kaya You Zha Kui.
It is located at the Car park of Tun Fuad Stephen Park, Bukit Padang.

Special You zha Kui which Kaya was spread with it. It taste awesome, rate it 5 out of 5. A unique taste which I've never seen in Peninsular Malaysia.

Cendol, same taste as the one we used to eat.

End of post 3, I will continue post 4 with Kundasang journey here.