Thursday 1 December 2016

Boracay & Cebu (Day 4)

Check out my previous post here

We woke up around 7am for a swim as the sun in Boracay rise early.

Boracay & Cebu (Day 3) - First dive

Continue from my first post of Day 1&2 here.

We dawn on a little place on airbnb and it was really a nice room compared to our previous room in Station 2. This place is also in station 2 and it has a bigger room. However, the air-conditional was not working and the staff came to fix, it got a little colder but was not really sufficient for us. At least we got some cool air and that is good enough for us.

This airbnb stay is located inside the resort of Calypso, thus, they do daily cleaning of the room and their staffs were friendly. It is located just in front of the beach which is another plus point.

We got to book at the rate of RM 155 per night which was slightly cheaper than the previous hostel, and we were really excited on the savings we got with a big room. Thank God :)